It begins with the normal marshmellow... and ends up a sticky nightmare....We call it CHRISTMAS SALAD...
This year was Abby's initiation. It came sooner than later in life. It was inevitable. We have handed down the ancient secrets of those that have gone before us. We tried to stall by seeing how many marshmellows would fit into our mouths, but that only made us sick. It did leave a few less marshmellows to cut up though.
This beautiful Christmas salad with it's marshmellows, walnuts, pineapples, whipped cream, and pineapple sauce has delighted crowds for years..... and the Powers' family dinners for as long as I can recall. When making it you can't cut corners. No, you have to cut the big marshmellows into small pieces, since Mom believes using small marshmellows sabatoges the whole recipe.
Abby and I were sticky for hours... okay actually Abby only got through 1 whole marshmellow before she ditched out and made me cut the entire 2 bottomless bag fulls... before we went on to the rest of the preparations.
It was really fun measuring, chopping, and watching her taste the new tradition we created on Thanksgiving morning.
Later that day we ended up at the Pineda home for the feast. Talk about THANKSeatalotoffoodGIVING! It was great. We also celebrated Kati's bday (it was her bday that day) and Joey's bday (earlier in the month). We had a blast and missed all of you that weren't there. Mandy, your sweet potatoes rocked!

hey cici! the music is awesome. i just have to tell you a california memory. when ammon was just 4 mos. old we were driving back to long beach from san francisco the day after thanksgiving (BIG mistake!!!). he cried incessantly whenever the car stopped... and you know interstate 5 - it was a parking lot for several hours. the only thing that saved us was playing IZ's "somewhere over the rainbow" on repeat as loud as our little corolla would play it. so that became his song. when abe was born we decided he needed a song too, so his became "what a wonderful world." don't be surprised if you hear these on my blog in the next couple of days (as soon as you teach me how to add music, that is!).
i'm also green with envy. disneyland looks like soooo much fun! we plan on taking the kids there first thing when we get back down in the area. i'm glad abby got to experience that!
oh... abe's song is the louis armstrong version... but i do like the ramones' version, too!
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