One night I found myself crying in despair.... frustration as Lanie was crying in my ear and Abby was crying even louder.... to get my attention during Abby's bedtime routine..... usually it's pray....sing songs..... lots of loves and then off to sleep, but this particular night everyone was way beyond tired. As I took some deep breathes a comment a friend made came to my mind.... remember these are the best times of your life. At that thought I started laughing, which actually eased the crying girls and we were able to get Abby off to bed. These are the best time of my life for sure! I may not enjoy the craziness sometimes, but I truly love our family, extended family and wonderful friends that fill our lives with such memories. You'll see by the pictures how much fun we're having... Abby & her loan-a-dog, Pixie ....Enjoying the rain.... Playing dress up with Lanie.... Our nine month old little wonder, Lanie.... Our new favorite park & community center in Cerritos
i love posts like this. i think about them when i'm having my own crying fits. thank you for reminding me. i seem to need constant reminders!
When, oh when, will Cici post again??
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